Quantitative Model on Universal Basic Income (Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen) by Kai Neumann

Just the start of a collaborative quantitative model on universal basic income. Please join the modeling and discussion!There is also a qualitative model on this topic: https://www.know-why.net/model/CRgBaHBuMn45JGRW7wXAvfA  First scenarios: The economy is booming, yet inequality is rising. This model is still a rough model with just with groups an average low, medium and high income for Germany. The side effects of an universal basic income with some people deciding to work less and others to come up wi...

Volkswagen Crisis - actually a chance? by Emma

Just a small qualitative model to keep track with the developments and to discuss the likelihood of a true change vs. a powerful lobbying. Please add your arguments!

Being successful through a new culture of reflexion by Kai Neumann

A small qualitative model not just to show the importance of the iMODELER's main features. It also shows how to change one's organization's culture to a culture of regular reflexion of interconnections against a number of psychological obstacles. For more background information I recommend from Apple's iTunes Store the interactive ibook "KNOW WHY and the iMODELER" with many models and exercises. Note: a few factors have a quantitative formula. This is fake. I put them there to create the quantitative scr...

Papst Franziskus der größte Börsenmakler der Welt by d3dhemmer

Papst Franziskus der größte Börsenmakler der Welt Wenn das gesamte Vermögen der katholischen Kirche zusammengezählt wird, ist sie der größte Börsenmakler der Welt. Das "Wall Street Journal" berichtete, daß die finanziellen Transaktionen des Vatikan allein in den USA so umfangreich waren, daß er häufig Gold im Wert von einer Million Dollar oder mehr auf einmal an- bzw. verkauft hat. Daher war und ist der Vatikan der gewaltigste zur Zeit existierende Kapitalbesitzer. Kein     er weiß genau, wie viel Vermög...

Quantitative mini model of job markets and purchasing power by Kai Neumann

This quantitative model is a small excerpt from a 1000+ factors model of a larger project. It allows to simulate the changes of a job market due to changes of available jobs or people seeking for jobs, people choosing to work only part time and a larger part of pensioners. While it would be fairly easy to model it through a classic system dynamics stock and flow structure it was fairly challenging to try it with the iMODELER's possibility to use stocks without delays. That is also the reason why I tried ...

Fridays for Future - debunking politician's bullshit by Kai Neumann

it is doable, in fact it would cost less, but memes and ill minded politicians serve single interests. unfortunately, there is no clear argumentation against the memes out there. this is just a rough sketch, but as a scientist I have examinded the path to a sustainable future in depth. please ask for more and join the modeling!  students and media need to be a role model for the green factors and explain the turqouise factors: ....

Sustainable Mobility by Kai Neumann

This rough model answers the question how interrelated the challenge for more sustainable mobility is. Extremely interesting is the role electric vehicles can play in this transformation. The color coding: green for measures, yellow for goals, red for problems, orange for other effects. Implicit in this model at several connections is that according to the KNOW-WHY-Thinking* of Kai Neumann every human seeks for the feeling of integration and development. That is why we will always want individual mobilit...

KNOW WHY: The explanation for human motivation by Kai Neumann

An English text is provided with the interactive ebook on Apple iBooks Store and with "KNOW-WHY: Systems thinking and modeling ...." available on amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Know-Why-Thinking-intelligent-management-ebook/dp/B00BK1QCFU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UT...)  Ein qualitatives Ursache-Wirkungsmodell von Kai Neumann zur Erläuterung der Triebfedern menschlichen Handelns hergeleitet durch die KNOW-WHY-Denkweise [Kai Neumann in E:CO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2013: "KNOW WHY Thinking as a new approach to systems th...

The world economy - modeling an article from the SPIEGEL by Kai Neumann

Here is a small model of the arguments taken from an online article from the SPIEGEL: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/wachstum-der-weltwirtschaft-der-kapitalismus-ist-kaputt-a-1028098.h...

Nuclear Power by Kai Neumann

Sweden and several other countries decide to resume the use of the widely disputed nuclear energy, withdraw the promised decomission of older power plants and even plan to build new power plants. They argue that we all need cheap energy supply to gain time for the development of alternative energy sources and that nuclear energy is a carbon neutral and therefore climate saving source of energy. The majority of people until recently feared nuclear energy for its manifold risks. The costs of nuclear energy...