Migration debate in Germany ... and elsewhere by Kai Neumann

Migration has just started and it will become much worse. It is a symptom, a consequence of our exploitation of the world - which sounds idealistic but actually it is a fact that most economists easily agree to. We definitely can't take them all and the better they are are integrated the more will come. There is no silver-bullet to it but some measures (green factors) that we probably have to take all. What is interesting (see the Menu .... Presenter) is that long-term the help for migrants abroad has al...

Last generation protests by Kai Neumann

I have considered the "Letzte Generation" protests to be too harsh thinking that people as a reaction wouldn't sympathize with protesters and their cause anymore. But realizing how people react with hate just to stay in their comfort zone (and because of the fear of change) now shows me that like in the early days of F4F it takes the fact viral that we need drastic change and unmasks those who still don't get it. We need to change from 9 - 11 tons of CO2 eq per person per year to around 1 - 2 tons - no m...

Standort-Attraktivität Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde by Franc Grimm

Hinweis zur Modellansicht /-navigation:  Sie können sich das Modell oben direkt anschauen. In dieser Schnellansicht des Modells werden immer nur die ersten 2 Modellebenen angezeigt, um das Modell übersichtlich zu halten. Sie haben jedoch die Möglichkeit, sich durch das Modell zu navigieren, in dem Sie die Ansichten wechseln. Klicken Sie hierfür einfach einen beliebigen Faktor (z.B. Lebensqualität) an und stellen Sie diesen ins Zentrum Ihrer Betrachtung - durch einen einfachen Klick auf das Zentrums-/Krei...

Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map Example by Kai Neumann

This model was developed with the help from the model "Comprehensive Enterprise Model" by Kai from KNOW-WHY.NET: https://www.know-why.net/model/A8rslLgjB2toQEfuOxlUWrw Please open it with iMODELER and expand the clustered factors to see all the details (or have a look at the collection of slides in the Menu...Presenter, first)

BREXIT and the future of the EU by Kai Neumann

A small model on some major interconnections surrounding the BREXIT and the EU. Before you have a look at the presenter please try to find the major target within the model :-) And please tell or directly change via collaborative link what you miss or see differently.

Post Corona - how the world is possibly changing by Kai Neumann

This is our third model on the corona crisis (COVID-19). It explores the possible post corona world. Together with the other two models it is featured in our corresponding paper: https://www.consideo.com/papers-33.html  (available in German as well) The first model was our simulation model that somehow seems to be the most advanced model on the development of infections with dynamic parameters: https://www.know-why.net/model/CHFWUVddNJsog2quA15x0PQ  According to this there won't be enough intensive care ...

Comprehensive Enterprise Model by Kai Neumann

This is just a fictious case of an enterprise to show how it can be comprehensively modeled. Not only the weightings should differ from case to case but also more concrete factors should be added, e.g the concrete competitors, the features of the products and their impact onto the customer's feeling of integration and development, the potential market expansion etc.. For a possible quantification and a BSC it should be checked whether all measures and decisions impact measurable factors. Also a lot soft ...

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) by Kai Neumann

Source: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300 This model is just a start. The next step would be to include the targets from the source above. Feel free to insert the model to your (free) iMODELER account to start a more detailed model !!! After that we should continue to use the 4 Know Why Questions in order to exploratively add hard and soft factors that help to explain what could serve as an effective lever to improve the situation in the world. Finally the model could be used to distinguis...