GDP growth with shrinking population by Kai Neumann

This model was developed as a reaction to a science meeting where the participants univocally doubted the potential for GDP growth in Germany with the prospect of a shrinking population. While I might criticize the concept of a GDP and see a lot of reasons for a shrinking economy I doubt that a shrinking population inevitably has to lead to a shrinking GDP. But see my arguments in the model and tell us what you would change or even better make the changes directly in the model via the collaborative link.

Germany‘s Jamaica Coalition a historic chance by Kai Neumann

As disappointed I as I was about the lates election‘s results I nevertheless see a historic opportunity for real political progress. A lot major steps are prevented (for sometimes a very good reason) by the power sharing between national Bundestag and federal Bundesrat with a reigning CDU that is by definition conservative trying to change as little as possible. Now there is little alternative to bargaining a change other than they could decide to change nothing but to get ministries or than to repeat th...

df 017 Kollaps (Diamond) by Dirk Fabricius

Das— keineswegs fertige - Modell sucht Diamonds (2005), Kollaps. Frankfurt/M: Fischer) Untersuchung zum Kollaps von Gesellschaften umzusetzen. Zentral ist der "unbeabsichtigte ökologische Selbstmord" (S. 18). Fünf Faktoren spielen eine Rolle, von denen vier - Umweltschäden, Klimaveränderungen, feindliche Nachbarn, unfreundliche Handelspartner — nicht in allen Fällen vorliegen, immer jedoch die Reaktion der Gesellschaft auf ihre Umweltprobleme (25).  Daher ist „Umweltprobleme“ die zentrale Variable. Diese...

Mini Model on Green Investments by Kai Neumann

a very small model showing the major levers as they turned out in larger models on

Mini model international competitiveness eco technology by Kai Neumann

Just a small model on the competitiveness of eco technology and the effect of regulations that demand more eco friendly technologies.  Feel free to use the model to provide a more differentiated model.

Software (Product) Development Example Model by Kai Neumann

Small model on product development (in this case Consideo's improvement of data import functionality of the iMODELER) and how to use same basic features of the iMODELER like change of perspectives, use of categories and filters and some of the analysis functionality like the new bar charts and the benefit from the new weighting that comes with version 6. For more see the presenter (Menu ... Presenter).

SDG pathways - wonder why Glasgow doesn't set clear goals / commitments by Kai Neumann

A small qualitative model that helps to understand political failure. We need to see the counter forces. The reinforcing feedback loops basically show that we simply need to tell what is wrong (narratives) and support what is right (monetary policies, subsidies).

Feed the world - qualitative model on the arguments by Kai Neumann

I was recently preparing my contribution to the  System Dynamics Conference presenting our comprehensive quantitative GLU Model (global land use). At the same time I am repeatedly  confronted with the argument that in order to save the world we need industrialized farming with the use of pesticides, fertilizer, and high precision farming, because otherwise we would not have enough yields to feed the world and thus would need more deforestation. Well, while the quantitative model shows that without major ...

Agile methods by Kai Neumann

just a small model to think of the benefits and trade-offs. of agile methods