Economy from a systems perspective p9 von Kai Neumann

... still work in progress and soon more .... On my vacation I intended to complete my reading of Kate Raworth's "Doughnut Economics". I looked at this concept many years ago and wasn't fascinated by it but I have come across it several times in different projects since then so I decided to take a second look. I watched her TED talk and I really like her. Still, the concept I find disappointing though I haven't read the complete book, yet. I think it is a normative approach to rethink economics but in or...

SDS Seminar 24 - Qualitative Modeling of the example of desalination in Portugal von Kai Neumann

just the beginning of a model for a seminar for the System Dynamics Society: Objective As a consequence of climate change many reasons face a growing lack of drinking water as well as water for agriculture. One option seem to be desalination plants but they are heavily disputed. The objective of the model is to find levers to secure the availability of drinking water. Participants ... Time short - this summer medium - next three ye...

Farmer's protests - a systemic view von Kai Neumann

Deutsche Version: It is absurd that the farmers are protesting against policies and not against the food industry and the people. they protest for lower costs only to make the industry richer instead for higher prices to strengthen their role in the market. Conventional agriculture is the major polluter of soil and water and one major reason for the loss of biodiversity, period. they need regulation. plus they contribute to climate change and the deg...