PiM example for change of units within a process by Kai Neumann

The challenge behind this model was to collect units in a box and to take them from the boxes again. There are probably other ways to model this but this was my first idea. 

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) ExampleGhana by Kai Neumann

https://www.know-why.net/model/CaLIsTKbVf7Yg5bm8yRXGyg discussed there and with an accompanying paper here: http://www.economics-ejournal.org/economics/discussionpapers/2017-82 (discussion paper) and peer reviewed here: Kai Neumann, Carl Anderson, and Manfred Denich (2018). Participatory, explorative, qualitative modeling: application of the iMODELER software to assess trade-offs among the SDGs. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-25): 1–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.5018/economics...

Open Source Horizon Scanning Trend Forecast Foresight Model (1) by Kai Neumann

This model should help to collect news from all over the world and put them into cause and effect relation to each other, and to the factors that define the economy, the societies, the environment, and everyone. Those factors we call targets, colored yellow. Whenever some interesting news pops up we may add further target factors to connect them with the central target of our all well being. The model should remain as general as possible. A small manual is provided with the Menu ... Presenter. News could...

Qualitative model on the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) Extended by Kai Neumann

Qualitative cause and effect model on the SDGs This is a model that we (...) use for a paper yet to be published. Please copy (on know-why.net you find the link to insert it into your account) it into your free account of iMODELER in order to enhance it and weight the connections to fit a concrete region or nation. You may also consider two concrete countries, e.g. a developed country and a developing country. Background:The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in their generalized form need to be further ...

What does Trump becoming president of the USA now mean to the world? by Kai Neumann

just trying to grasp the situation - please join the modeling! While I started trying to show the high risks of catastrophe I now see also opportunities. See some first insights in the presenter (Menu ... Presenter) By the way: I predicted the development of the US elections, unfortunately : https://www.know-why.net/model/C-5GDe-XN0rMggChUtMLm8Q 

Limits of democracy, populism, and the evil from social networks by Kai Neumann

This model is inspired by Emma's proposal for a topic for a model (to win a FAIRPHONE):  https://www.know-why.net/question/CfsXb3NvriEsmSuhnnuxsSQ It tries to understand the dynamics currently happening all over the world that push nationalism via social media. It is a qualitative model. There are other models arguing in the similar direction, e.g. this one on Putin, Erdogan etc.: https://www.know-why.net/model/CWejwGHa-455h-YLP7W9_rw ...or this one on the psychological mechanisms that lead to those defe...

Media, please stop reporting on (Berlin) terror and blaming the authorities by Kai Neumann

Schiller is said to have said that a comedy is working because unconsciously ordinary people are relieved to feel that other people are more stupid. Studies proofed that the most wanted parts of a newspaper are catastrophes and the horoscope. Catastrophes, because we unconsciously are relieved that this didn’t happen to us. Unfortunately, this is the reason why car accidents and terror attacks in our cities with comparable few casualties are way more relevant to us than the many more casualties there are...

The Ukrainian political and economic context by Kai Neumann

It has to do with removing Putin and defining a new Russia, but also with the possibility of a China that risks its isolation from the west and at the same time trying to reign the rest of the world through its strategic global resource and development policies. It has to do with a de-globalization, less efficient though more regional and resilient economies, loss of material wealth but gain of quality of life, social equality, and unfortunately a possible trade-off of arms races and climate change mitig...