SDS Seminar 24 - Qualitative Modeling of the example of desalination in Portugal von Kai Neumann

just the beginning of a model for a seminar for the System Dynamics Society: Objective As a consequence of climate change many reasons face a growing lack of drinking water as well as water for agriculture. One option seem to be desalination plants but they are heavily disputed. The objective of the model is to find levers to secure the availability of drinking water. Participants ... Time short - this summer medium - next three ye...

Qualitative model on COVID-19 (Corona virus) strategies von Kai Neumann

Target Collecting and exploring different arguments and ideas around the so called Corona crisis in a qualitative cause and effect model that after weighting the interconnections allows for analyses through Insight Matrices and loop analysis. Time horizon Short term: 1 month Medium term: 3 months Long term: beyond 1 year More....For more please look at the presenter, explore the model via iMODELER as a freeware or have a look at the corresponding paper: (available ...

How to make Russia great again - and save Ukraine von Kai Neumann

It is a collaborative model - please edit it. Sanctions alone end in a balancing feedback loop but with the right narrative over working chanels it could lead to a removal of Putin! Narrative should be something like “ Ukrainians are brothers and sisters, the world wants to partner with Russia - Putin exploits Russia for his mad interests.” There is much more explanation to give to this model - I will add to it or you may edit it and place comments within the model using the "D".

Portugal's housing crisis - a systemic view von Kai Neumann

a model on the bold or weird ideas of the Portuguese government to tackle the housing crisis: for more see the menu ... presenter note: you may change the colors of the factors and their fonts if your screen doesn't show them properly. 

System-Archetyp / Verhaltensmuster Tragödie der Gemeingüter von Franc Grimm

In diesem Modell wollen wir einen durch Peter Senge (Fünfte Disziplin - siehe unten) bekannt gewordenen System-Archetypen (wiederkehrendes Verhaltensmuster in Organisationen und Systemen) vorstellen und erläutern.  Weitere System-Archetypen (inkl. Stammbaum) finden Sie hier: Seien Sie gespannt und fühlen Sie sich möglicherweise auch gerne ertappt, ähnlich in Ihrer täglichen Entscheidungspraxis gehandelt zu haben.  Die verwendeten Mini-Beispiele sollen ...

HIDP for couples/families - general structure von Kai Neumann

Happiness can be planned! According to evolutionary meta systemic logic (KNOW-WHY-Thinking) everything needs to be integrated to adopt to its environment, and yet developing to adopt to change or beat the competition. Our emotions are there to let us strive for integration or development. If we now reflect on what provides us with feelings of integration or jeopardises these feelings and do so also for the feeling of development we can easily see what we have and what we lack. If we then continue to ask ...