Strategy Development (incl. Systemic SWOT and Systemic Risk Analysis) for an E-Car Enterprise von Kai Neumann

NOTE: This model is not complete - just an example for an accompanying paper published via KNOW-WHY.NET.  It is just a small example model for part 1 of a series of papers. It describes a fictious case of a start up enterprise that develops and produces a new electric vehicle. Here is the link to the guidance: Aim This model should tell us what to do in order to become a successful enterprise offering a cool electric car. ScopeIt is a qualitat...

Souveränität eines Staates (Staatengemeinschaft) und Hybride Bedrohungen von

Modellbeschreibung Mit dem vorliegenden Modell sollen Faktoren und Wirkungsschleifen erfasst werden, die sich dazu eignen, einen Staat oder ein Staatenbündnis zu beeinflussen und gegebenenfalls zu destabilisieren. Damit soll das Potenzial von Hybriden Bedrohungen besser dargestellt werden. Definition Hybride Bedrohung (Vorgabe IFK)  Eine hybride Bedrohung ist die Gefährdung eines Staates oder Staatenbündnisses durch das Vermögen und die Absicht eines Akteurs, sein Potential zielgerichtet, mehrdimensional...

Mobilität im ländlichen Raum - Teilmodell der Demografie-festen Strategie für den ländlichen ... von Franc Grimm

Hinweis zur Modellansicht /-navigation:  Sie können sich das Modell oben direkt anschauen. In dieser Schnellansicht des Modells werden immer nur die ersten 2 Modellebenen angezeigt, um das Modell übersichtlich zu halten. Sie haben jedoch die Möglichkeit, sich durch das Modell zu navigieren, in dem Sie die Ansichten wechseln. Klicken Sie hierfür einfach einen beliebigen Faktor (z.B. ÖPVN-Netz) an und stellen Sie diesen ins Zentrum Ihrer Betrachtung - durch einen einfachen Klick auf das Zentrums-/Kreissymb...

Sustainable Mobility von Kai Neumann

This rough model answers the question how interrelated the challenge for more sustainable mobility is. Extremely interesting is the role electric vehicles can play in this transformation. The color coding: green for measures, yellow for goals, red for problems, orange for other effects. Implicit in this model at several connections is that according to the KNOW-WHY-Thinking* of Kai Neumann every human seeks for the feeling of integration and development. That is why we will always want individual mobilit...

Asset Allocation Planner (Portfolio Strategy Manager) von Kai Neumann

This is just a small model I have developed to prepare for a customer project. It is just on a yearly basis running for 10 years. There are two ways to model asset strategies. One is to simulate risks by Monte Carlo simulations as I did here. Very easy! Another is to use financial math to approximate the risks - which is not that easy and therefore I didn't do it here. However, not using Monte Carlo simulation would allow us to use the range function in order to identify an optimal portfolio. So, if ther...

Economy from a systems perspective p9 von Kai Neumann

... still work in progress and soon more .... On my vacation I intended to complete my reading of Kate Raworth's "Doughnut Economics". I looked at this concept many years ago and wasn't fascinated by it but I have come across it several times in different projects since then so I decided to take a second look. I watched her TED talk and I really like her. Still, the concept I find disappointing though I haven't read the complete book, yet. I think it is a normative approach to rethink economics but in or...