material wealth in the EURO zone (political decisions) von Kai Neumann

comprehensive model on major political topics yet not finished and not weighed

New York Times on Genetically Modified Crops von Emma

With this model I am trying to win a Fairphone ...... Seriously, I am trying to translate the major arguments from an article by the New York Times:

Paris: Governments acting on climate change von Kai Neumann

A qualitative model that asks what it takes to take political action. Feel free to add to it.

Sustainable Mobility von Kai Neumann

This rough model answers the question how interrelated the challenge for more sustainable mobility is. Extremely interesting is the role electric vehicles can play in this transformation. The color coding: green for measures, yellow for goals, red for problems, orange for other effects. Implicit in this model at several connections is that according to the KNOW-WHY-Thinking* of Kai Neumann every human seeks for the feeling of integration and development. That is why we will always want individual mobilit...

Example for change management von Kai Neumann

Small example of a change management model

The automotive industry and the circular economy von Kai Neumann

Although I have modeled it before I got inspired by the Accenture article   to develop another model. Look at the presenter for some astonishing insight.

Tutorial: Quantitative Demo Model (diffusion model, word of mouth WoM marketing) von Kai Neumann

This is the quantitative model from the tutorial (Menu ... Show Help ... "?" ... Quantitative Model)

Apple's destiny (share price) von Kai Neumann

I share with Elon Musk that I use Apple and yet I am very disappointed that they are not better. Now, that Apple's share price continues to fall and now that Elon Musk in an interview - usually he criticizes Apple - predicted that they will come up with a cool electric vehicle I think it is time to reflect on Apple's destiny.  Feel free to join the collaborative model :-)

growing together of a the INTERREG-region von k.gradman@h*

This model was developed with the help from the model "Growing together of the interreg-region (template for project days at schools)" by Franc Grimm from KNOW-WHY.NET.

Nuclear Power von Kai Neumann

Sweden and several other countries decide to resume the use of the widely disputed nuclear energy, withdraw the promised decomission of older power plants and even plan to build new power plants. They argue that we all need cheap energy supply to gain time for the development of alternative energy sources and that nuclear energy is a carbon neutral and therefore climate saving source of energy. The majority of people until recently feared nuclear energy for its manifold risks. The costs of nuclear energy...