Transformation - driving forces, levers, hinderances by Kai Neumann

just some thoughts while reading: Maja Göpel: The Great Mindshift - How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations go Hand in Hand

World economy mini model by Kai Neumann

a model for the English KNOW WHY book

Financing of our development of an innovative electric car by Kai Neumann

just the start of a small model that I need for part 5 of the paper series "A culture of reflection"

Solution: driving cars by Kai Neumann

A model explaining some of the obstacles of the transformation towards electric vehicles (EVs) This model is part of a series of models that could serve as examples for small models on global challenges as they could be modeled by pupils. Of course, depending on their age and the time that is available as well as the help you offer they could come up with more details. What is the model asking?The model asks for the development of the uses of gasoline cars and electric vehicles (EVs) using the KNOW WHY Q...

Solution: small energy model 2 by Kai Neumann

Just a small model as a preparation to model with children the question how watching TV and energy consumption are connected. I recommend to start with the two factors watching TV and happiness and then continue to ask what it does mean with regard of energy ... and finally how this is connected with happiness. Probably the children will come up with a completely and yet very interesting model :-)