Gewinn (Qualitativ & Quantitativ) von Franc Grimm

Das Beispiel-Modell wurde erstellt, um die generellen Funktionen des iMODELERs zu demonstrieren. Das Modell zeigt exemplarisch einen Ausschnitt zum Thema „Wie kann ein Unternehmen kurz-, mittel- und langfristig seine Gewinne steigern“ u.a. mit den möglichen Ansatzpunkten / Maßnahmen „Marketing“, „Mitarbeiter-Motivation“, Budget-Kürzungen“ etc. Wie der Erkenntnis-Matrix des Faktors "Gewinn" sehr schön entnommen werden kann, können gutgemeinte Maßnahmen kurzfristig zwar positiv wirken und dennoch mittel- u...

Profit (qualitative and quantitative model) von Franc Grimm

Here you will find an example for a qualitative & quantitative model for the following challenge: a company is comparing different measures (Cost Cutting or Investments in Product Innovation, Product Quality, Marketing or Motivation of Staff Members) to increase the profit in a short-, medium- and longterm view. Although this model is very simply, it already allows to gain some crucial insights - as a demonstration on how to analyse and to gain insights with our iMODELER.

Strategy Development (incl. Systemic SWOT and Systemic Risk Analysis) for an E-Car Enterprise von Kai Neumann

NOTE: This model is not complete - just an example for an accompanying paper published via KNOW-WHY.NET.  It is just a small example model for part 1 of a series of papers. It describes a fictious case of a start up enterprise that develops and produces a new electric vehicle. Here is the link to the guidance: Aim This model should tell us what to do in order to become a successful enterprise offering a cool electric car. ScopeIt is a qualitat...

Success for von d3dhemmer

The eZelleron GmbH eZelleron is an innovative start-up company based in Dresden. The company has been developing low-emission energy sources for mobile power supplies since 2008. In addition to the well established advantages of fuel cell technology, eZelleron excels through cost efficiency in the production processes and through the perspective to utilize readily available fuels. The lead in technology is protected through several patent families and is currently put into pr...

Template Systemic SWOT Analysis von Kai Neumann

This is just a very small model to get an idea on how to model an enterprise in order to develop a systemic SWOT analysis. In a concrete case the 4 KNOW-WHY-Questions should help you to collect a lot of concrete hard (money, technology, ....) and soft (motivation, skills, relationships, ....) factors. You can continue to reflect on concrete measures to address your strengths and weaknesses.  With quantitative attribute you can monitor the current state of the factors. The position in the Insight Matrix s...

SWOT Analysis of Municipal Administration (start of a general model) 2 von Emma

This is a reduced and generalized version of a SWOT model I have built for a municipal administration. Unfortunately I didn't find an example on but I have used a lot of factors from other models. This model is just a start as I am not allowed to show our actual model. Maybe we can develop collaboratively a model? The presenter already shows how with the use of the factor's attributes we can develop a systemic SWOT analysis. The position of the factor in the insight matrix shows the most imp...

PM Welt 2019 - kollaboratives Workshopmodell von Kai Neumann

Kollaboratives Workshop-Modell zur PMWelt 2019 in Münchenvon Kai Neumann, Consideo GmbH,  Motivation:"Projekte scheitern, wenn entscheidende Faktoren nicht berücksichtigt werden oder Entwicklungen nicht richtig eingeschätzt werden" Gibt es noch andere Gründe, die nicht letztlich genau das zur Ursache haben? ... selbst auf strategischer oder auf Portfolio-Ebene, die Dinge richtig zu tun vs. die richtigen Dinge zu tun. Mit dem Mode...

System Archetypes von Franc Grimm

Here we would like to explain different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we are using simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994). Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These patterns almost always result in negative consequences due to mismanaging com...

Waterkant Festival 2017: collaborative workshop model von Kai Neumann

This small model should just help to facilitate a workshop at the WaterkantFestival 2017 in Kiel, Germany. The topic is to show how a new enterprise can become successful with an innovation. This model looks exactly at the enterprise. Another model will look at the generation of an innovative product (applying the so called Idealized System Design). And a third, quantitative model will show how counterintiutive dynamics behind a start up can be (the diffussion model that shows how to burn investor's mone...