df 264 There is no such thing … (original) von Dirk Fabricius

… like a free lunch (TV, fb, twitter …) (s. zu Herkunft und Urheber des Satzes Wikipedia) Da Lunch Zutaten, Koch wie Kellner braucht, von dem kaum etwas von den Bäumen fällt, liegt die Wahrheit dieses Satzes auf der Hand und lässt sich verallgemeinern. Fraglich kann mithin nur sein, wer zahlt. Die FreeLunchBar (FLB) macht ihr spezielles Angebot nicht, weil sie einen Teil des Profits an ihre Kunden verschenken möchte. Im Gegenteil, sie sucht einen Weg, die Auslastung der Tische, der Köchin und der Kellner...

Solution: Wars on earth von Kai Neumann

A model explaining the common reasons for wars on earth This model is part of a series of models that could serve as examples for small models on global challenges as they could be modeled by pupils. Of course, depending on their age and the time that is available as well as the help you offer they could come up with more details. What is the model asking?The model asks seemingly naively for the reasons for wars in the world using the KNOW WHY Questions from the KNOW WHY Method as they show up when we us...

System-Archetyp / Verhaltensmuster Erodierende Ziele von Franc Grimm

In diesem Modell wollen wir einen durch Peter Senge (Fünfte Disziplin - siehe unten) bekannt gewordenen System-Archetypen (wiederkehrendes Verhaltensmuster in Organisationen und Systemen) vorstellen und erläutern.  Weitere System-Archetypen (inkl. Stammbaum) finden Sie hier: https://imodeler.info/ro?key=ArHGClStFqsJ2nk8YI6gfUA Seien Sie gespannt und fühlen Sie sich möglicherweise auch gerne ertappt, ähnlich in Ihrer täglichen Entscheidungspraxis gehandelt zu haben.  Die verwendeten Mini-Beispiele sollen ...

System Archetype Shifting the burden to the intervenor von Franc Grimm

In the model "system achetypes" (https://imodeler.info/ro?key=AWmcYVpCac1lRUJaRxmTz7Q) we have explained different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we have used simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994).  Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These p...

System Archetype Fixes that fail von Franc Grimm

In the model "system achetypes" (https://imodeler.info/ro?key=AWmcYVpCac1lRUJaRxmTz7Q) we have explained different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we have used simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994).  Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These p...

Aufgabe: Working Harder or Working Smarter? von Franc Grimm

Dieses Modell ist Teil einer Aufgabenstellung unseres Online-Kurses "Qualitative Modellierung". Weitere Informationen zu unseren Kursen sind verfügbar unter: https://www.vernetztesdenken.de/ Eigentlich sollte es lediglich eine kleine Fingerübung werden. Aber die Ergebnisse sind es wert, hier veröffentlicht zu werden. Das Modell enthält die Erkenntnisse der folgenden Studie (ich habe lediglich einige Punkte ergänzt):  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating And Sustaining...

Solution: small energy model 2 von Kai Neumann

Just a small model as a preparation to model with children the question how watching TV and energy consumption are connected. I recommend to start with the two factors watching TV and happiness and then continue to ask what it does mean with regard of energy ... and finally how this is connected with happiness. Probably the children will come up with a completely and yet very interesting model :-)

System Archetype Shifting the burden von Franc Grimm

In the model "system achetypes" (https://imodeler.info/ro?key=AWmcYVpCac1lRUJaRxmTz7Q) we have explained different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we have used simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994).  Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These p...