Example for change management von Kai Neumann

Small example of a change management model

Competitive Incentives: Working Harder or Working Smarter? Improvement Management von Michael Nesser

Actually, it should only be a small excercise - to test the imodeler. But the results of the model are really worth to be posted here. The model is based on the findings of the following research, I've only added a few points:  Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating And Sustaining Process Improvement (Nelson P. Repenning, John D. Sterman). http://web.mit.edu/nelsonr/www/Repenning=Sterman_CMR_su01_.pdf The findings are not really new, but still valid and relevant.

The case of Mr. E (case management example) von Susanne

This is an anonymous case management example from my work with a client using the iMODELER 

Successful Teams von Kai Neumann

a small model on some crucial aspects of successful teamplay

The news: is the world getting better or worse von Kai Neumann

The Model asks: do we need so many negative news if actually the world is better off? As explained in the presenter (Menu... Presenter) the model argues that it takes both, positive and negative news.  Interestingly there are some figures that suggest that the world is better off. What we do not know, though, is whether we could have been living in a way better world and if the world would have been as it is without negative news. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/12/good-news-in-2015...

Transformation of values and behavior with KNOW WHY von Kai Neumann

a small model showing the process of a transformation of society with the background of KNOW WHY

+ACUMEN Systems Practice course: Culture of reflection group von Kai Neumann

I am taking part in the interesting online course: https://app.novoed.com/systems-practice-2017-1  This is our team's model (work in progress). Feel free to join the team. Guiding Star: A society that aims at improving society and oneself. (Taken from Star Trek) Near Star: Establish a culture of systemic reflection where people do not think that they know the answer already (based on gut feeling, sovereignty of interpretation, or similar) but instead get used to systemically explore the interconnections....

Profit through cooperation with competitors von Kai Neumann

This model explores the challenges and the potential benefits of cooperation between competitors. Its connections need to be weighted. Most measures now are more costs than benefit ...