Generic IT Model von Kai Neumann

Kleines, generisches Modell nur für KNOW-WHY.NET

Solution: small energy model 2 von Kai Neumann

Just a small model as a preparation to model with children the question how watching TV and energy consumption are connected. I recommend to start with the two factors watching TV and happiness and then continue to ask what it does mean with regard of energy ... and finally how this is connected with happiness. Probably the children will come up with a completely and yet very interesting model :-)

Feed the world - qualitative model on the arguments von Kai Neumann

I was recently preparing my contribution to the  System Dynamics Conference presenting our comprehensive quantitative GLU Model (global land use). At the same time I am repeatedly  confronted with the argument that in order to save the world we need industrialized farming with the use of pesticides, fertilizer, and high precision farming, because otherwise we would not have enough yields to feed the world and thus would need more deforestation. Well, while the quantitative model shows that without major ...

ECEM Workshop Model 2023 von Kai Neumann

The target .... The model should.... Participants Short ... Medium ... Long ... Categories/Colors (see Menu.... Filter) System boundaries

Matching data example - calibrating a model von Kai Neumann

While listening to a presentation on the ISDC2023 where they showed a sophisticated way of calibrating parameters of a model to real data I decided to offer a simple solution using the iMODELER's iM-Optimizer. The idea is to minimize the deviation of the model results from the real data using a range() for all variable parameters. Simple as that though of course it also has some limitations.

Y iM - p1: Base model von Kai Neumann

This is a model from our latest paper: 

Why iMODELER - part 1: Qualitative modeling beyond CLDs and FCM von Kai Neumann

This is a model from our latest paper: 

SDS Seminar 24 - Qualitative Modeling of the example of desalination in Portugal von Kai Neumann

just the beginning of a model for a seminar for the System Dynamics Society: Objective As a consequence of climate change many reasons face a growing lack of drinking water as well as water for agriculture. One option seem to be desalination plants but they are heavily disputed. The objective of the model is to find levers to secure the availability of drinking water. Participants ... Time short - this summer medium - next three ye...

Kommunikationskultur - besser miteinander kommunizieren und mehr verstehen von Franc Grimm

Die Kommunikationskultur ist einer der entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren in Unternehmen und Organisationen. Denn dreht sich nicht alles darum, ob und wie wir miteinander kommunizieren? Und hängt davon nicht auch entscheidend ab, wie stark wir uns mit dem Unternehmen/mit der Organisation identifizieren, uns einbringen in die Planungs-, Entscheidungs-, Innovations- und Veränderungsprozesse und wie motiviert wir täglich unserer Arbeit nachgehen? Diese Erkenntnis ist nicht wirklich neu, jedoch wurden bisher noc...