The world economy - modeling an article from the SPIEGEL by Kai Neumann

Here is a small model of the arguments taken from an online article from the SPIEGEL:

Lösung: Gewinn (Gewichtung) by Franc Grimm

Dieses Modell ist Teil einer Aufgabenstellung unseres Online-Kurses "Qualitative Modellierung". Weitere Informationen zu unseren Kursen sind verfügbar unter: 

System Archetypes by Franc Grimm

Here we would like to explain different system archetypes, which are describing common patterns of behavior in all kind of organizations or systems. For this, we are using simple examples - mainly based on the work of Peter Senge (Literature: Peter Senge et. al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 1994). Peter Senge documented the most common set of patterns of behavior in organizations that have the tendency of reoccurring. These patterns almost always result in negative consequences due to mismanaging com...

Waterkant Festival 2017: collaborative workshop model by Kai Neumann

This small model should just help to facilitate a workshop at the WaterkantFestival 2017 in Kiel, Germany. The topic is to show how a new enterprise can become successful with an innovation. This model looks exactly at the enterprise. Another model will look at the generation of an innovative product (applying the so called Idealized System Design). And a third, quantitative model will show how counterintiutive dynamics behind a start up can be (the diffussion model that shows how to burn investor's mone...

Successful Teams by Kai Neumann

a small model on some crucial aspects of successful teamplay

System-Archetyp / Verhaltensmuster Wachstum und Unterinvestition by Franc Grimm

In diesem Modell wollen wir einen durch Peter Senge (Fünfte Disziplin - siehe unten) bekannt gewordenen System-Archetypen (wiederkehrendes Verhaltensmuster in Organisationen und Systemen) vorstellen und erläutern.  Weitere System-Archetypen (inkl. Stammbaum) finden Sie hier: Seien Sie gespannt und fühlen Sie sich möglicherweise auch gerne ertappt, ähnlich in Ihrer täglichen Entscheidungspraxis gehandelt zu haben.  Die verwendeten Mini-Beispiele sollen ...

GDP growth with shrinking population by Kai Neumann

This model was developed as a reaction to a science meeting where the participants univocally doubted the potential for GDP growth in Germany with the prospect of a shrinking population. While I might criticize the concept of a GDP and see a lot of reasons for a shrinking economy I doubt that a shrinking population inevitably has to lead to a shrinking GDP. But see my arguments in the model and tell us what you would change or even better make the changes directly in the model via the collaborative link.

PiM demo model on IT processes p2: developing solutions by Kai Neumann

This small PiM model shows how an IT company that develops apps or designs websites or installes software can be modeled in order to identify bottlenecks or constraints and to simulate the costs and income (benefit management)

Markteinführung V03 by Walter Biendl

Wir wollen hier ergründen, a) was zu einem hohen Absatz des innovativen Produktes führt; b) welchen Nutzen, auch immaterieller Art, der (mögliche) Kunde davon hat; c) welche Inhalte die Werbeaussagen haben sollten; d) auf welchen Werbewegen (Print, Internet etc.) wird die Kunden erreichen können; e) welche Widerstände es geben kann; Box-Farben: Orange = Ziel grün = Kundennutzen gelb = Maßnahmen rot/rötlich = Hemmnisse

Diesel Gate and Psychology by Susanne

just the start of a collection of arguments from a psychologist who drives an electric vehicle Let us start a discussion and add to the model ....